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Track your brain health

Group 149857

Our team of 100+ psychologists and clinical experts have come together to make neuroscience and behaviour health the new cool! They’ve developed solid tools via which you can measure your mental strength. Curious about how this happens?

Group 149857

We say Be Crazy

New Project (5)

“We believe we’re crazy enough to change the world.  Mental health was a stigma because we have never understood its science. Psychology, neuroscience, behavioral science - they tell you that all emotions are important, they reveal why we behave the we do. We’re not going to stop until every individual gives their mind the love and care it deserves, for being proud of taking care of their mental health. And if in this process, someone calls you crazy, we say be crazy because the crazy ones change the world”

-Kanika, Sahil & Team MindPeers

New Project (5)

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